Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Cilia are the Key to Sinus Health

The function of cilia in the sinus cavities is to clear mucous out of the cavities. Mucous in turn is produced to protect the body from contaminants we breathe in all day long.
Contamination from impurities; is lodged to the mucous and this mucous is pushed out by the cilia. The sinuses are literally moist air spaces within the facial bones and surrounding the nose area.

When the cilia aren’t functioning correctly, mucous collects in the sinus cavities due to inhaling external pollutants; they drain into the nasal passage; and the cavities become inflamed as they are not able to drain properly. You become congested and infection sets in.

Infections cause swelling in the sinus passages and prevent the cilia even more from moving the built up mucous. Then, sinusitis has set in. This mucous which now cannot be expelled through the nose will drip down the back of the throat - post nasal drip - and into the lungs causing a consistent cough and more possible infections.

If your immune system is down; chances are that your cilia are not functioning correctly; as the cilia are weak and are unable to clear all the debris from the sinus cavities while normal functioning cilia would clear the irritating matter out. With this congestion you probably will experience bad breath as well.

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